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July, 16 2024

Growth Means Growth: Trevelino/Keller + Marsden Marketing

Marsden Marketing News

Foreword by Anne Marsden, Founder, Marsden Marketing Trevelino/Keller’s acquisition of Marsden Marketing is a momentous and exciting step for both companies. Having worked alongside Dean, Genna, and t[...] Read More

May, 02 2024

B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: Pros & Cons

Marketing Technology and Analytics

B2B marketing automation platforms are the backbone of any successful B2B marketing strategy, especially if you're looking to grow and scale effectively. Most have transcended their traditional roles,[...] Read More

April, 11 2024

5 Pillars of a Winning B2B Demand Generation Program

Demand Generation and ABM

Change is the one thing you can count on as a B2B marketer. The concepts and standards we take for granted can be turned on their heads in the blink of an eye, taking our beloved best practices with t[...] Read More

March, 28 2024

10 Metrics to Measure Lead Generation Success

Demand Generation and ABM

Leads. Where are the leads? I need more leads! Does that plea ring a bell? As B2B marketers, this call is all too familiar. It resonates because leads are the fuel behind our marketing and sales engin[...] Read More

March, 14 2024

Your A-Z Guide to B2B Digital Ads Specs

Digital Marketing Demand Generation and ABM

You’re getting ready to launch a new campaign. The strategy is set, the goals are clear, and your content assets are ready to be promoted. But before you launch, you need to make sure that your digita[...] Read More

February, 29 2024

New Traditions! 10 Ps for Digital Marketing

B2B Marketing Digital Marketing

Clinging to the traditional 4 Ps — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — is like navigating a city with an old map. Yes, these principles are the cornerstone of marketing, much like cherished Thanksg[...] Read More

February, 16 2024

3 Must-Have RevOps Skills

Revenue Operations

The decision to pursue a Revenue Operations (RevOps) model is a big one, and once you’ve decided to set up RevOps at your company, the hard work begins. Who you have working on your team or leading th[...] Read More

December, 14 2023

Pros and Cons: Is HubSpot’s CRM a Fit?

Revenue Operations Marketing Technology and Analytics

I recently saw an article calling out the phrase “one size fits all” as a lie. It was talking about hairnets, but goodness knows if hairnets can’t be pushed into that one-size-fits-all box, something [...] Read More

October, 10 2023

B2B Revenue Operations Metrics: What to Track and How to Calculate

Revenue Operations

What separates a successful B2B Revenue Operations (RevOps) strategy from one that crashes and burns? There are, of course, several correct answers to this question. But there’s one that comes up a lo[...] Read More

October, 09 2023

How to Get Your RevOps Strategy Back on Track

Revenue Operations

Ah, Revenue Operations. You jumped on the bandwagon, didn't you? And why wouldn't you? The promise of streamlining operations and boosting revenue is nothing short of enticing. But let’s face the musi[...] Read More


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